2023-2024 DS Capstone Applications Now Open
Data Science students at UCSB can now sign up next year's capstone sequence.

Applications are now being accepted for the year-long data science capstone sequence, offered concurrently as PSTAT 197 A-B-C and CMPSC 190 DE-DE-DF.
Applications will be reviewed starting in week 5 of Spring and on a rolling basis thereafter. An initial cohort will be admitted by the end of spring quarter and provided add codes for enrollment. Other applicants meeting eligibility requirements will be waitlisted, and any remaining seats will be allocated by September 1 prior to the start of the program year. After this date applications will be closed.
UCSB's Data Science Capstone launched in 2020 as part of an initiative to promote data science activities across campus. The capstone is meant to be interdisciplinary, with a broad range of project sponsors. Of the thirteen project sponsors in 2022-2023, six come from industry, and seven are well-known research labs. Each of the projects offers a unique experience with data sets, goals, and milestones not often found in classroom activities.
2023 Industry Sponsors
- Amgen
- Appfolio
- Peak Performance Project (P3)
- Carpe Data Inogen
- Evidation Health
2023 Research Lab Sponsors
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)
- Caves Visual Ecology Lab
- Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER)
- Climate Hazards Center (CHC)
- Patrick Green
- MOVE Lab
- Stanford National Accelerator Lab (SLAC)
Interested students can find more information about the Data Science Capstone, including overviews and descriptions of research projects, on this course website. A shortcut to the course application can be found here.